Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Is It Wrong?

Yep, I was in a celebratory mood yesterday and last night after hearing about the departure of OBL from this world. The man who celebrated the deaths of thousands of people from Kenya and the bombings there of American embassies, to the USS Cole, to the first world trade center bombing, to finally knocking the buildings down, and likely countless other terrorist acts.

He celebrated death and destruction on a grand scale. He was so bad of a man that we went out of our way to declare we were not at war with Islam. He was not a representative example of the entire religion, he was evil.

So after we hunt him for ten years, find him, and kill him, we bury him in accordance with Islamic tradition. Why? Because we are better than they are, that's why.

Because we celebrate life, building things, good things. We celebrate all that is good and can be good in the world. We are not them. When the Palestinians danced in the streets celebrating 9/11 we got sick about it. Now it is no surprise that Hamas has condemned us for killing OBL, again down the hatch, he's burning right now.

We treated the world's arch enemy with respect and dignity as we buried him at sea in accordance to his faith. The man who was behind the deaths of literally thousands of people is dead now, we killed him, and I was happy about it.

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