Sunday, May 15, 2011

Workday Saturday

A massive thanks to R yesterday! He absolutely and pretty much by himself replaced our upstairs windows. The ones that had over time just rotted away. I'm not blessed with the home repair gene. I NEVER watch the home repair channels. My skill set is elsewhere, I can cook, I can do my fair share of mechanical repairs, I can shoot and edit.

Home repair just isn't me. I don't know what I'm doing so I don't do it. Anyway R did an outstanding job! I don't even see how one person could have done it, it required four hands at least over the traditional two.

So now we've embarked on the journey of getting the house in shape enough to possibly sell.

Beersnob has an appointment tomorrow morning to talk to a local charity about doing some work for them. Bouncing some ideas around and see in what areas we can be of use to them. I'm excited about the prospect but I have another assignment for him to pursue as well that I'm equally excited about. More on that later if it materializes.

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