Monday, May 09, 2011

Very Nice Mother's Day

Thing 1 and I made The Date breakfast when she got up. I called my mother and asked her to come over in the afternoon for a chicken alfredo dish we were planning. So I had two mothers in the house and both were very full by the end of the day:)

It was hot, very hot out. It feel as if summer were making an early arrival but the drought isn't helping much either. We definitely need some major storms to roll through and moisten things up! Or better yet one of those slow moving soaker storms that seems to linger for three days! It's been years since we've had one of those!

Regardless yesterday was nice, today will be nice as well as The Date begins her new job! She'll keep the library job for a while and with any luck at all she'll be able to quit it in under a month:) Now that she's graduated she will begin the enrollment process for OU to get her bachelor's degree, they have an online school for working people and it's perfect for her!

Things are looking up my friends and fellow readers.

Oh and as a side note on the water bill fiasco I'd like to tell you that we got a cut off notice again, 15 days. The funny part that makes this worthy of posting? The notice says we have a $2.98 credit!!! I can't make this up! I guess I'll have to go down there and collect 2.98 from them so they don't cut my water off!!! And this all started with their mistake on my bill! I showed it to Beersnob and we laughed quite a bit over it!

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