Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Spring Concert

Last night was filled with orchestral music for me. It was the middle school spring concert and the awards concert.

Thing 2 won top musician for 8th grade! She got a trophy for that and she won a medal for auditioning at national orchestra honor band and a solo at tri-state.

I'm very proud of her:) Thing 1 went to a prayer meeting and bible study. I'm glad she's getting involved in a church with teens. It's a good activity for her and needed.

The Date had to work but I got most of the concert filmed before the battery died. Beersnob has got the charger as we needed it to charge multiple batteries at one time for the cook off two weeks ago.

All in all it was a good night and one that Thing 2 had been looking forward to for a long time! You can't help but love her to pieces!

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