Friday, December 02, 2011

The Collapse Of The EU

I'm not big into buying into the so called Globalist Agenda which supposedly would turn control of most nations over to the Council of Foreign Relations which is run by foreign bankers which probably has secret funding from Xenu from Scientology fame.

However with that said the collapse of the European Union appears imminent. Too much money is being printed out of thin air with nothing to back it. It's got worth because a government with a massive military says it has worth. Greece is done for, Italy is on the ropes, and Spain is on deck.

Countries that promise the entitlements that these countries promise are in trouble. Too much government spending and not enough people to support those gone before. It's a pyramid scheme, just like our system has become.

Watch the dominos fall in Europe, pay attention to how much The Fed prints and sends out, it'll be a spectacular failure and people will suffer because of the idiocy of politicians. Then when the EU is over with ask yourself if it can happen here.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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