Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Two Days

Today is my Friday at Walmart and my Thursday at work work. Funny how that works isn't it? Yes the actual calendar day is Wednesday but if you count a work week by ending every week with a weekend then that's how it lays out for me. So it's actually Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for me, all in one day!

I'm very much looking forward to calendar Thursday night right now as that, at 1615, is when my eleven day odyssey of rechargement begins in earnest. Yeah I do have some projects to accomplish at home, yes I'll get those finished as well. Yes I do have to work at Walmart a few of those evenings but it'll be ok. I'll only be working one job and five and a half hours at the most.

It'll be good and I'll still have plenty of time to recharge myself and get ready for the new year.

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