Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hostel: Torture Porn

I decided to watch Hostel today. I have heard a lot about it but from the get go I had a strong hunch it wasn't a scary movie.

Hostel is a feeble attempt to substitute gore for tension. A common trend for today's indie horror filmmakers. There is no substitute for genuine tension filled horror.

Sadly it just doesn't exist anymore. This is an era of shoddy remakes and half baked ideas and it is a waste of film.

Hostel is a sad fantasy about what it would be like to torture a person to death. I admit that the premise is indeed tension packed if you were the victim however this just didn't hit the mark for me. It just turned into essentially a torture porn movie.

I know that Eli Roth can probably do better. With his talent and resources I just feel that it wouldn't be hard to write a little bit of tension into his scripts. I don't see any reason why Roth couldn't direct the next Psycho. No not ANOTHER remake, another movie that has the tension and long lasting value of Hitchcock's original.

Well unless Mr. Roth would like to step aside and let me do it....

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