Sunday, April 09, 2006

Requiem For A Synchronicity!

I had recently mentioned Requiem for a Dream in a post a few days ago as being the most brutal movie I have ever seen.

Well it so happens that tonight on IFC.

After being asked via email a couple of times why this movie is the most brutal I have ever seen I thought I would explain it.

Requiem for a Dream is a movie about broken dreams set in a very stark Coney Island. It details how addictions come to rule your life and ultimately destroy you. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as happens to every character in this film. The haunting soundtrack sets the mood and is perfect for how they keep expecting things to turn around at any time while going deeper and deeper into despair and wreckage.

This is an amazing movie but you have to be prepared to watch it. You will feel sick by the time it is over. The acting is incredible and you will feel for the characters. You want to help them. You want to take Marion and hold her and tell her it is going to be alright and you feel powerless as she descends into her final destination as an emotional derelict.

You want to take Tyrone and Harry and tell them that the future is going to be fine and feel hurt as they continue to abuse themselves and spin out of control.

You feel for Sara as she starts by wanting to lose a few pounds to be a guest on her favorite TV show and drifts from sanity.

Be careful if you watch Requiem for a Dream, it will shatter you.

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