Saturday, April 08, 2006

Slade And Filmmaking

One of my favorite authors is Michael Slade. Slade is the pen name for what used to be several writers and now is Jay and Rebecca Clarke.

They write horror police procedurals with a twist. Their main characters are the RCMP. Yeppers!

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Slade's books are packed with history and information that offer the backstory for the modern crime. They have a very horror style about them as they deal with serial killers and a branch of the RCMP called Special X. When there is a strange killing Special X are called in to hunt them down.

What is very cool about Slade is his site which has a message board where you can post and where Slade himself and herself (Pink Slade) are very active and engaging or often driving the conversations.

There should be more interactivity like this between the people and those who drive the medium. Kevin Smith is active on his board and site for example.

What you will probably never see is Tom Cruise for example doing this. Why? Other than he has gone all psychotic lately, he realistically probably just doesn't care to be engaged with his fans.

I mention Tom Cruise but you could replace his name with practically anyone else at this point. There just isn't many people out there who want to stay interactive with their fans.

I don't understand why though. Someone has to buy whatever product you are selling so it really should not be a big deal to keep in touch with their fans through such an incredible technology.

Someday if I ever am fortunate enough to have a fan or two believe me that I will be grateful for them and would do my best to keep in touch with them on something simple like a message board.

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