Monday, June 11, 2007

After Innonence

I watched this incredible documentary yesterday about people who are convicted for a crime they didn't commit and were then later released and proven innocent by DNA evidence. This doc was about what happens to these people afterwards.

Many states don't have anything to offer them BUT if they were paroled then they would qualify for lots of benefits. So essentially they get ten to twenty years taken out of their lives for a crime they didn't commit and then are turned loose with no way to help themselves.

A lot of states don't even expunge their records.

The amazing part of this is that they nearly instantly forgave the people who put them there and were just happy to get out and start the life they were robbed of. Want to talk about a powerful moment.

How would you react if you were robbed of the prime years of your life, caged, and no one believed you were innocent?

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