Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Good Day!!!!

First of all my dad came by and helped me fix my electrical problem. Turns out there was a burned up wire between the meter and the breaker box. I know nothing about electricity but I can paint anything that moves and film it at the same time, edit it all down, add title cards, and hopefully help you to laugh!

So now the power is on where it should be which is nice! I gave him a Sirius radio for Father's Day. He travels a lot and has stone age FM to listen to.

Next up I'm going to meet Sass for a final drink before she moves to Mexico in a couple of days. Since she has been a wonderful drinking partner lately I'm going to miss her company.

Everything is going very well:) Remember the documentary project? Well it looks like we are going to have our happy ending that I've been waiting on to complete the project!!!!

I'll keep you informed:)

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