Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another Small Rehearsal Last Night

Between Adama and Orin. Beersnob is working late this week so he could not attend but I was there with camera to capture some excellent footage. They are so happy to start rehearsals and we plan on rehearsing every cast member while the costumes are being made.

Beersnob and I are going to edit that for You Tube soon, I don't want to let anything out spoiler wise and he knows what is and isn't safe to let out so this will be a great opportunity for him to use the software and speed up the learning curve while I get to be more familiar with what is safe to tell the audience at this early stage.

The cast will be very comfortable with their characters by the time we are ready to shoot. Preparation is key and we will be very prepared.

There is a Storm game tonight, tomorrow night, Friday and Saturday night this week!!!!

It is going to be a great week my friends!!!!

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