Monday, June 11, 2007

The Sopranos Finale!

This episode was definitely a mixture of elements from previous episodes.

Yeah the old Avante-gard vs. Traditional storytelling debate, well both appeared in this episode like they have in the whole series. Good episodes peppered among bad episodes.

I'm glad it is over though. I can see how this ending for most was like ordering the six foot tall monster from the back of a comic book that was just too amazing to believe and then after 6-8 weeks of going to the mailbox daily it finally arrives to absolutely destroy your day.

But Sopranos fans who loved the ending will say that it wasn't about the arrival of the package but it was all about the imagining how great it was going to be once you got the six foot tall ghost and could ride its back around the room, fight your fights with it, and basically do as you please!

All in all it is a show and David Chase's ending, good or bad, got people talking about it and I'm sure that was the goal.

Long live better TV shows!!!!

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