Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm Tired

Of the government believing they are the solution to every problem. Congress gets us into this financial crisis and now they are using tax payer money to get us out.

Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, among others, they all should be put into chains and led to prison, never to see the light of day again for defending Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Two organizations that needed desperate reform and these criminals stopped all efforts to get their fingers out of the cookie jar.

If there is a recession I just plan on not participating in it. I even bumped up my contributions into my retirement program, this is an incredible buying opportunity while the markets are down! I'll look like a genius when the market hits 15,000! I am paying my bills and just will continue as I have.

Anyway now we have the Acorn scandal which Obama has contributed as much as 800,000 dollars to, did lawyer work for years ago, and just is a organization that promotes voter fraud. Well this is probably not American but if you don't pay a positive amount in taxes or if you don't know any of the issues you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

If you know Judge Judy but don't know the Supreme Court Justices you shouldn't be allowed to vote. As for the positive amount in taxes, lots of politicians promise more entitlements to people who vote but are just living on government money. If you are living on government money (the taxpayer's money), I really don't care what your opinion is on any issue. They will pander to you to get your vote, they will promise you that the gravy train won't end. What is sickening is that they take from achievers to give to the freeloaders.

Yes there should be a safety net, a temporary safety net to help people from falling into homelessness or worse.

This country is being set onto a path to socialism. I don't like it. I like people who pull themselves up from their circumstances. I like people who strive to better themselves or their circumstances. This country, for now, offers more opportunity than any other country in the history of the world.

My recipe to fix the world:
Flat Tax. Everyone pays the same percentage on products they buy, except on food and clothing which will go untaxed. Your paycheck is yours, you get the full untaxed amount. How much you pay in taxes is up to you and how much you buy.

Let people opt out of social security. I don't want those idiots in charge of my retirement. I'd take the House and Senate out of their own retirement programs and put them into social security.

I'd mandate a Constitutional class from K to 12th so that everyone will know what the Constitution says and means. Also school vouchers for everyone, meaning if you want your child to go to a private school, you get a voucher for the same amount that the government pays for public school.

Kick the UN out of the US. This is the institution that stood by while Darfur and Rwanda happened. They do no good and the American taxpayer shouldn't foot the bill anymore.

Put the government on a massive diet. The taxpayer has sacrificed enough and depending on what state you live in you pay 30-50% of your income into taxes! That's entirely too much. Government needs to spend a lot less of money that isn't theirs.

My foreign policy will be simple. You are either a tolerant, democratic government or you will face my wrath. I would allow the CIA to assassinate your despot dictators!

Health care! Easy fix, the government will put the doctors through medical school in exchange for them working in health care clinics in every county in the States for a couple of years. You need health care, you go and you get what you need! If you have private insurance you go to your doctor, nothing changes for you!

Health care isn't a right, housing isn't a right, food isn't a right, a car isn't a right. Your rights are spelled out for you in the Constitution, read it. Work hard and you are putting yourself into a better position to succeed. The government shouldn't tax you more for succeeding! It should get out of your way!

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