Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Voting Democrat

I am going to vote for Obama this year because I sincerely believe the following:

1. I believe the government can do a better job of spending money I earn than I can.

2. I believe freedom of speech is a good idea and not to be taken seriously. As long as you agree with what is being said you will be fine, really! The fairness doctrine means NOTHING I tell you!!!!

3. I believe that if we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan that the bad guys will pack up and go home peacefully and never, ever, EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRR bother us again!

4. I believe that people who can't tell me if it is going to rain tomorrow can tell me that the earth is warming up because of man. Never mind that we have had massive hot and cold cycles throughout history. This time it REALLY is our fault!

5. I believe that judges should legislate from the bench and dismiss the will of the people when the mood strikes. Why have elections and vote on state bills when we can have appointed judges do our thinking for us?!?!

6. I believe that the government isn't big enough or intrusive enough into our lives. We need to get more people off of the tax roles so the achievers in America can pay them for not having any sense of responsibility and bad judgment. I believe if done right we can have 80% of Americans being supported by 20%!!!! If we are really lucky we can have 90% supported by 10%!!!! I have lots of HOPE for this one!

7. I believe that the more taxes that companies pay the more likely they will be to hire people at fair wages and expand their businesses. If you lower their taxes they will likely pack up and move their company to a country that has a higher tax rate so they can pay more! Companies are funny that way. I should have taken an economics course to understand the complexities.

8. I've seen what the government can do with a welfare program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, roads and bridges, and the education system and I can't wait until they take over my health care and start dictating to my doctor what is wrong with me!!!!

9. I believe that we have no right to defend ourselves in our homes so the second amendment isn't really necessary anymore. Who needs a Constitution anyway?

10. I believe that social security will be around forever and is my best option for a healthy retirement! It is the best run government program after all so it must be good right?!?!?!

11. I believe that the UN is the best option for diplomacy but since we will be pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan the world will be a happy, shiny place and all of the bad guys will know we mean them no harm so there really will be no need for a UN will there?

12. I believe prisons are too crowded and the prisoners are likely just misunderstood anyway so we can probably just let them all out. I trust them to be good this time around. Heck they might just volunteer themselves to come live with me since the second amendment will be repealed!

13. I believe that people inherently flee from freedom and want to be in an oppressive government run society like Cuba. People are braving dangerous, shark infested waters to live there!

14. I'm tired of being called a racist for believing that these words mean something:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." and that there just aren't enough racists peddling racism in our world and getting wealthy by telling people they are oppressed while keeping them down at the same time.

15. I believe that a baby isn't a baby until it is at least one year old. Until then it really doesn't matter what happens to it, it should be a law that it doesn't even get a name until then.

All of those reasons are why I'm voting for Obama in two weeks!!!!

I'm excited I Hope.

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