Monday, May 11, 2009

Busted Up

My John Wayne exterior was generally broken up last night as I broke down crying over my kitty Patch to The Date. Things one and two were very sympathetic but stayed outside the house and did lawn work.

Meanwhile I contented myself with a Zaya and Coke. I wanted to go scotch but after seeing the limited supply I had of Jura Superstition I chose the Zaya. If you haven't tried Zaya rum go now to the liquor store and have them order it, I doubt if they have it in stock. It is hard to come by. It really needs no Coke to compliment it and really didn't have a lot of Coke in my two mixed drinks but I didn't want to think of my kitty. This was the first time in quite a while I've actually caught a buzz from drinking. Usually I go with a drink from the pub or Blue Note. They aren't usually full strength as I had last night.

I instead bundled up in a blanket on the couch, held Rocket (Patch's brother) to my chest and watched playoff hockey (something I usually don't watch unless I am gambling on it). The Date comforted me as she has grown to love Patch as well. Things one and two know what is going on but likely not the severity of the situation.

Patch is suffering from heart failure. I've done a lot of research on the situation. Many kitty cats live through it and can have normal lives. Patch is in bad shape though.

She has been in an oxygen cage since I took her back into the vet on Sunday morning. She is alive and somewhat responding to treatment. I'm prepared to have her put to sleep though as I would never let my pets suffer. If she can't live a healthy life and on the vet's recommendation I will have them put her down.

If on the other hand she can have a healthy life and I have to monitor her and give her medication I'm also prepared to do that, every single day.

Clark Gable was once asked when he was filming Gone With The Wind if he could actually cry when his onscreen daughter was injured after a horse accident, I believe he responded, "If you can't cry over a hurt little girl, what can you cry over?" I've badly butchered it and took great liberties with the paraphrasing but the sentiment is the same.

So I cried over a eight pound kitty cat who gave me nothing but love and devotion for eight years who might not be with me much longer.

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