Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sick Kitty

So Thing 2 and I are at home last night before going to the theatre. Patch is playing on the floor with Thing 2, perfectly normal.

Then not long after that Patch is laying down, not breathing right, and just listless. I rush her to the vet and they take her in. I have to go in this morning and pay a four hundred dollar deposit.

Hopefully she just got into something and had a reaction. They are going to do blood work and catch her up on her shots. It is just weird that she had a reaction all of a sudden. We are all worried about her, everyone loves Patch. Patch will just jump up into your lap and just love you.

She gets into everything, I have my cabinets taped up so she won't be getting into them all night. They said if I didn't hear from them last night that she is fine. I didn't hear from them.

The show went pretty well last night. There were a couple of flubs and a mishap with one of the swinging doors that knocked a dish of nuts out of one of the actor's hand. She carried on though and got every line in there!

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