Sunday, May 17, 2009

Show's Over

It was a good run. The show wore on me quite a bit after seeing it a few times. The actors got better and better but to me the writing and show premise was mediocre for a Neil Simon show.

This wasn't one of his best. I enjoyed doing the lights though and will be doing the same on the next show. That'll be a great Summer project. As I've blogged before it is the big Summer musical Into The Woods, search on You Tube for show clips from the Broadway production.

We took all of the props and put them back up last night after the show which is quite a chore since you have to take a prop from the stage, walk through the auditorium, through the forum and out the front and then upstairs to the storage facility which are some old apartments above the box office. It is quite a trek while you are holding heavy furniture.

We had the whole cast helping as well as a couple of others and it went really quickly! It was nice!

Rehearsals have started for the musical but I won't be needed for close to a month from now. Maybe a couple of evenings in between to set the lights but that's about it for me in the pre-show.

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