Sunday, May 03, 2009

Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses

Yesterday was one amazing day! Take a picture of this, friends, everyone bringing something to eat, a grill, a deck, nice weather, cigars, and scotch.

It all came together for a spectacular day of bonding and intense friendship. This is one incredible family, my circle is like no others. These are the people I plan on taking care of on lottery winning day! Well and a handful of others besides my blood relatives and my northern brothers!

To start off with it was raining in the morning. Beersnob texted me and said it would be better to wait until three because the weather would be as good as it will be at that point. He was right!

We spent the day out on his deck, I manned the grill and boiled and grilled bratwurst and ground chuck hamburger patties. There was homemade baked beans, potato salad, pasta salad, dessert, chips, and drinks!

Then I broke out the cigars! The highlight for me was the Padron 1926 40th anniversary that I bought a while back for Beersnob's homecoming from Qatar. Well since that was during a time it was really cold out I decided to hold off until the weather was better. These cigars were magnificent. Very well constructed and held the ash to over two inches. They had a peppery, leathery, sweetness that made this absolutely the best cigar I've ever had!

Beersnob went out of his way and purchased a bottle of Dalmore Cigar Malt scotch which really complimented our cigars! I had enjoyed Jura Superstition before while I was cooking but that might not have paired as well as the Dalmore.

Yesterday was a perfect day! We all ate, drank, and had cigars. Kings and queens of all we surveyed! Princes and Princesses of all they will learn and inherit from us as friends, loyal and true.

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