Monday, May 10, 2010

All Caught Up

Yesterday The Date and The Things headed over to a college town to watch Jekyll and Hyde. I stayed home and got caught up on Lost, did the dishes, mowed the yard and other Mother's Day things.

Thing 1's new fishing reel doesn't work so I'm taking it to work as I have access to an entire machine shop and guys who fish weekly. Between all of us I think we can get it working so I don't have to take it back to Wal-Mart and exchange it. Saturday is going to be so much fun!

We are all looking forward to this trip and hopefully a sunny, warm day!

Ok my impressions on Lost, I like where the alternate time line is going, it's seemingly bringing in people to say goodbye again from the show. Sort of like when a coach will take the seniors out of a big game one at a time with a couple of minutes left so the audience can applaud them.

The characters get a moment of dialogue and take a bow after a few scenes. I believe the series finale is on May twenty third as a double episode. It'll be huge ratings. It was smart to put it on Sunday night so people will talk about it on Monday instead of on Wednesday. It'll be the only topic of conversation as Lost will pretty much of Sunday night all to itself.

June fourth the new season of Whale Wars starts! This season is going to be great! The hippies lose an attack boat and fail more than they have ever failed before! I can't wait for this to start! I don't exactly understand why the Japanese don't use the same tactics on the hippies. They can use the acid, the fouling nets, and harassment if they choose to but don't. Instead they use defensive tactics such as fire hoses, audio, and running away from the hippies in their faster ships.

Ok let me say once again I love whales. I believe that whaling should be banned world wide except for the indigenous tribes in the Arctic who survive for months on one whale at a time. However with that being said it is hilarious to see these hippies accomplish nothing time after time after time. They make the same mistakes over and over again. They just don't learn and I believe the Japanese have filled their "research" quota every time.

What the Japanese are doing should be a crime but it is up to the lawmakers and not a band of pot smoking true believers to take the law into their own hands. The (impotent) UN should step in if they were capable of it and address whaling.

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