Saturday, May 08, 2010

Great Shoot!

Yesterday I was up before six am to prepare for the shoot starting at seven. I arrived on the job site about ten till to find my client already there and the work truck with the shelter, and back hoe on its way.

I get out and we chat a minute while the truck is coming down the street. I bring my camera bag and tripod to the garage where the storm shelter will go and assemble everything.

Next up they unload the concrete saw and make lots of noise at seven. Thankfully they had spare ear plugs and gave me a pair. I'm sure the neighbors were less than thrilled but this is the job.

By seven thirty the concrete is cut up and the Ditch Witch back hoe is moved off of the trailer and just outside the garage. It takes out the pieced slabs and easily removes them to the trailer. Then digging commences. This is the longest part of the process, taking around an hour to finish. The bottom of the pit is leveled out and then the shelter is put into place, did I mention it is just now around nine? Less than two hours after the process started the shelter is in the ground.

They are taking their time too as the concrete truck wasn't scheduled to arrive until ten. They tried to get it to come sooner but the driver was booked. So we wait for the truck to arrive.

Once it arrives and starts to pour the process took around an hour before things were packed up and I left just after eleven. It was a super fast process and the shoot was very smooth.

Turns out that this shelter was a door prize from the home show. They had won it! It was every bit the same shelter they had installed day in and day out all over Tornado Alley!

After the shoot I was then free to head home and nap, which I did:) Then I went and picked up Thing 2 from school and we headed to Wal-Mart to stock up on fishing gear for an excursion next weekend! That'll be lots of fun! Skate, Beersnob, Court, The Invader, maybe a handful of others expressed interest in going! Skate has never been fishing before so that'll be great fun! Thing 2 was learning how to cast in the yard last night. That was interesting.

I'm looking forward to it!

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