Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy But Productive

Yesterday started off with set call at ten.

That lead into a teen meeting for a fund raiser and a rehearsal schedule for the fund raiser at noon.

Then I came home and mowed the majority of the lawn.

After that Thing 2 was trying to learn how to sew so she texted Grandma (my mom) to show her and twenty minutes later she was here and working away with Thing 2. Which is great as The Things have never really had an active grandparent in their lives until now.

Beersnob texted me to see if I could help him move a table and chairs to his mother in law's place so that was next on the agenda. Followed by getting The Date supper and delivering it to her work.

After that it was time for a premium cigar with Beersnob and some serious talk about the bands of the eighties.

Then it was home where Thing 2 and I watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame with the great Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara, and Sir Cedric Hardwick. Such a great movie! It turned into a small marathon for Sir Hardwick as Nicholas Nickleby was up next on TCM. A movie I'd never seen but enjoyable!

Fishing was on the agenda yesterday but alas the wind was blowing too hard and it looks as if the wind will keep us from wet lines today as well. It is blowing very hard out this sunny Sunday morning.

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