Thursday, May 13, 2010

It Started After I Got To Work

I was sitting there drinking my coffee when I got a call from The Date. She had fallen off of the front porch and thought she had broken her ankle. I came home as fast as I could go and found her and Thing 2 in the yard.

She couldn't move it hurt so badly. So Thing 2 and I loaded her up in the car and took her to the ER for x-rays. Thankfully they came back negative but the ligaments were torn which caused the intense pain.

She is camped out on the couch and doing better this morning though, even through last night's very loud storm.

No tornadoes but plenty of high winds and rain. I got lots of work done yesterday on the installation video. I just have to edit it together now as I have all the building blocks in place. I'm going to give them two or three versions, each similar but varying lengths so they can decide which they want to show at fairs and trade shows.

Hopefully Saturday will be a nice day, I'm going to need a relaxing day of fishing after this week:)

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