Saturday, May 22, 2010

Super Friday

Work was super busy though but it lead to a fast day. I did have a co-worker find me some of the best potato chips made. I was so impressed by them I bought four bags and took them home.

Ok Herr's brand potato chips are incredible. I had him buy me BBQ Baby Back Ribs flavor which taste like ribs! He also got me Kansas City Prime Rib and they are amazing! And then two more mundane flavors in Ragin' Ranch and Pizza. Both are good but the rib flavor and steak flavor are a level above the best potato chip I've had.

Now if they would have Worcestershire flavor! Oh man!

Ok so after work finished up Thing 2 and I headed to the park for some quality fishing time. The little Mexican boy was back and having a great time. He sat by me and fished for quite a while. Thing 2 and I both had our bait stolen a few times so I decided to go to the bait shop and get some smaller hooks. The ones we were using were entirely too big.

We loaded up and headed out, got the new hooks and some glow worms then headed back to fish for awhile. It was a beautiful day out and it was just fun to sit there and watch your bobber dance in the windy waves.

This time though it wasn't long before Thing 2 started yelling, "I got one! I got one!" She reeled in a tiny bluegill for her first fish! We carefully took it off of the hook and turned it loose. She was smiling from ear to ear!

All in all it was a good day:)

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