Friday, May 21, 2010

It's That Time Of Year

The hunter/gatherer of the cave must be out before dawn while the women folk of the cave are allowed to sleep in as they have no public school cave to attend. This will mean the women folk of the cave will be staying up later and sleeping in later.

Thing 1 will likely not stir until the hunter/gatherer gets back to the cave from a long day hunting and gathering. Such is the cycle of life.

Good news is that rehearsals for Julius Caesar will be headed to the public pond Thing 2 and I have been fishing at lately next week. That means around five thirty we can head to where we've been headed to and fish until rehearsal starts while I can fish until rehearsal is over. How cool is that?

Today is payday Friday. Love those days! Makes the hunting and gathering worth while so the women folk of the cave can not have to worry about the cave payment and only about putting more hieroglyphics on the cave walls:)

Ok, Adobe CS5 arrived yesterday! I looked it over briefly before heading out again. I think I'm going to do a reformat before installing the suite. That might be a project for next weekend, we'll see.

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