Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stormy Morning:)

There is just something cool about the morning of a storm. It is rumbling up some big noises outside but we are all safe inside our homes. It's nice. So here is an arrangement of odd observations for the morning.

Watched the penultimate episode of Lost last night with The Date so we are caught up with America and anxiously looking forward to the finale on Sunday.

While I enjoy Lost I still find that the best scifi on TV is Stargate: Universe. Yes the Destiny is still my favorite ship, replacing the USS Cygnus from The Black Hole.

I'm looking into making pastrami. It's time consuming, more so than bacon as it has to brine for thirty days before being smoked. It'll be a challenge if I pursue it.

Anti-incumbent sentiment has struck again, forcing Arkansas Senator Blanch Lincoln into a primary runoff and forcing Arlen Specter out of office late this year as the eighty year old lost his bid as the Democrat candidate. It was an upset for sure however Rand Paul won the Kentucky primary. He is nearly a Libertarian even though he has an R by his name. He was the underdog in that race and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had endorsed and supported his opponent.

As for President Obama's coattails? They have gone 0-4 thus far in elections as he campaigned for Specter this cycle and previously took losses in Massachusetts, Virginia, and most notably New Jersey. People are afraid of big government and how it will infringe upon their liberties.

D.C. needs a reboot and to be reigned in. We can never begin to start paying off the nation's debt that has been borrowed in our lifetimes leaving the next generations to deal with crippling debt and no matter how much you tax the rich, they don't have enough either. Not to mention if you get above the 50% mark the rich will start to figure out ways to protect their wealth if not just move to countries with lower taxes then who are you going to tax?

We, you, me, everyone, has an ugly amount of debt right now as a nation. We are going to wind up like Greece with our overspending and massive entitlements if we don't cut back the spending.

I would sign a document right now that the government can keep every single penny of what I've paid into social security since I've been in the work force if I'm allowed to keep everything I make from here on out without the government taking it from me. I would put it all into my own retirement package and be far better off than what they claim I would be. I'd rather be in charge of my retirement than let politicians deciding what is best for me.

Ok, off the soap box, I'm getting ready for a rainy day of work:) I hope everyone enjoys today and we are now on the downhill slide towards the weekend!

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