Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two Weeks Until Nodember Second!

Yeppers, two full weeks now until we fire many liberals in Congress. Keep in mind that liberals have ran congress since the 2006 midterm elections and since then Pelosi and Reid have driven the country into Obama's ditch that he famously finger points blame about in every speech.

You know something, Americans are tired of finger pointing. They want results. We are Americans, we can tell when someone is making an excuse. It galls me if I ask a question and I get an excuse instead of an answer. I'm about personal responsibility and there is only so much you can blame on the previous administration.

Liberals have had this economy since 2006 now. One would have to assume that this is what they wanted. People dependent upon the government for help. I blog about this subject this very morning as yesterday I read a letter sent out by our union president Tom Buffenbarger.

He is in a tizzy as all of the hard work of getting a labor friendly congress elected and a "Friend in the White House" is about to go up in smoke. This is after a union meeting Saturday in which it was voted on to raise our dues. One member was concerned about how much of the dues was going to elect liberals to Congress. Our own Johnny Friendly said not one penny.

That is a disingenuous answer at best. They cannot take a percentage out of each check and give it to candidates we might oppose as members. They can and do fund their own contributions through PACs and tons of printed materials sent out to members. The unions work a lot like our own government. They don't make money themselves. They don't produce a product themselves. They depend on membership paying dues for arbitration should it arise to get screw up employees their jobs back.

They don't even contribute to the pension plan as that is funded by the companies they bargain with per employee. I get a journal that tells me who the union supports and why I should as well. My dues as well as the dues of every union member funds that propaganda. People who work for the union directly and get paid also make large contributions to the members that the union endorses. Again keep in mind that that money is paid to them out of our dues.

Yes I have contributed more money involuntarily to liberals being elected in the past eighteen years than you have probably sent to support candidates you love.

Johnny Friendly was technically correct however he was also not telling the whole truth. I get the feeling that come Nodember second Tom Buffenbarger will be a very upset little union president.

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