Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dependence Vs. Independence

Although I pretty much laid out the case for being conservative many posts ago with my "Confession" post I'd like to get to a difference in doctrine now or core belief about the difference between a liberal and a conservative.

A liberal will always fight or enact legislation that fosters more dependence on government.

A conservative will always fight or enact legislation that fosters more independence or self reliance from the government.

Orwell's book 1984 is a great example of what a total nanny state liberal society would wind up as. A complete society based on government running your life down to monitoring your very thoughts. Read it and then look around at how our rights are being encroached upon degree by degree from this overreaching government. You'll find many similarities.

Security cameras are everywhere now. More so in the large urban areas than where I live but just look around sometime and count how many cameras are on your during the day. If it's less than ten I'd be shocked.

Big Brother is still being fended off just fine. I can't speak for other countries but in America there would be a second revolutionary war before that happened out right however if you ratchet things up degree by degree then it could happen as no one notices the changes.

I'm not an anarchist by any means. As civilized people we need laws to live by so a society will thrive. A reasonable amount of regulation is also fine as long as it compels competition.

One of the great ironies of liberals is that they love Darwinism but hate competition. They'll mock you for not believing everything Charles Darwin theorized but when it comes to a person honing their skills and becoming better than others through hard work then it is unfair and you have to be penalized.

Survival of the fittest but with limits.

Sometimes I really envy the Amish style of living. They'll continue to roll along with no regard for what is around them. Completely self sufficient and independent of the society that is deteriorating around their style of living.

A storm won't bother them, the Eastern Seaboard could lose electricity and it won't bother them one bit. Inflation could (and likely will) skyrocket in the next few years and they could care less as they aren't dependent upon us and our systems.

Perhaps as a contrast to the liberal fascist dream of 1984 the Amish might be the Conservative dream. It's not mine as I feel completely dependent upon electricity, indoor plumbing, and my gadgets such as air conditioning.

I also doubt if The Date would enjoy life as an Amish wife. It'd be tough but it would also teach the skills of self sufficiency that we have long since forgotten.

That in itself would be my dream.

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