Monday, October 11, 2010

I Love Three Day Weekends:)

Yep, nothing wrong here, I'm up as usual a bit after six. It's The Date's birthday so I plan on letting her sleep in a little bit. I'll take The Things to school this morning.

I won both fantasy games yesterday even though I didn't watch a game at all. I also placed in the money in both leagues! First in the keeper league so far with one game left tonight and second so far in the main money league.

While all of that winning was going on I had Thing 2 with me in the city. She loves looking around Asian supermarkets. We got some noodles in a cup, rice cooking wine, and seaweed stuff for sushi I believe. She had fun and that's what counted.

I also picked a present for The Date, a Kindle reader cover. It also has a LED light so it can be read in low light situations since the screen isn't back lit.

It poured rain last night. Awesome storm! The Date gets hungry a few minutes before the line of storms hits. It's an incredible lightning storm above as I drive off into the threatening night. I get to KFC and it hits us. torrents of rain pour down, the power flickers after a tremendous lightning strike. Systems go crazy at KFC.

They had me my order and I run to the Tahoe, drenched in less than ten feet of running room. I get home where we have Swiss Family Robinson on pause and I rush inside, more drenched than before but with dry and hot food.

All in all it was an eventful Sunday:)

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