Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shooting Tonight

Yeah it'll be a bigger shoot too. A CD release party so it'll have a lot of people there for the premiere. It'll be a good time and of course I'm working it so I'll be getting paid to be there.

I watched a couple of innings in the World Series and saw Cliff Lee give up a few runs and the Giants go up 5-2. Then I watched some of the Thunder game on ESPN, saw it was a tight game. Durant was playing very well! They finished off Chicago with a win!

Times have changed, Chicago used to be my favorite team in the Jordan era of course. I've still got the last two seasons of playoffs and finals recorded on VHS. One of these days I'll have to get them digitized. It's got commercials, pregames, and everything!

Yeah it'll be great to go back and revisit those games when I do digitize them. I'll have to get a VHS with a USB to do so. They can be had fairly cheaply in fact. It's not pressing at all, I've got other things to do first.

Like going to work in a few minutes for instance.

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