Friday, October 22, 2010

Great Day!

Last night went decently smooth. Final dress rehearsal that is. A blown line here and there but it flowed together nicely and there were big laughs all the way through the show!

It was funny, there were times when I was actually watching the show instead of following the script and came close to blowing a cue. I was late on a couple for that very reason but didn't completely blow them all together.

Yesterday was quite a day! The Date got a job that will work around her college schedule but will also demand her time when she isn't in class. Talk about out of the blue, first it was a random meeting then it was dependent upon a bond issue passing. It failed so we forgot about the potential job. Then three weeks ago a new position was approved anyway so The Date applied and interviewed for it.

After they didn't seem willing to work around her college schedule she didn't feel good about getting the job and yet yesterday it was offered to her, along with a whole new set of responsibilities! This will be a challenge and it'll be a great blessing! It's a fantastic pay package and could work into a better one, the job is something she's done forever and loves doing!

Things are going in a good direction right now:)

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