Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Yesterday I shared this article on Facebook with the comment:
"Thank you President Obama for educating the voting public on what liberalism is. November is just around the corner and you and your agenda face a historic defeat placing the ruling democrat elites out of power for a generation!
You will be rejected by the same voting public who elected you."

That is entirely accurate. The independents who voted for Carter Jr. have now turned against him. Despite losing independents Obama maintains support of the Black community by the tune of 91%. Obama could not have been elected to office if he had 100% of the Black vote.

Obama had to count on the independents to put him where he is, the people who bought the change kool-aide. Personally I'm glad McCain lost. He is Conservative Lite and has no business being our President. This current President has been a teaching moment for America and the voting public.

He has laid out in detail the liberal/socialist agenda for destroying our country. Large, bloated federal government, nationalizing industries "Chavez" style, an eventual tax on your carbon footprint even though man made global warming was exposed as the hoax it is.

This fact put Cap and Trade on the back burner but did not deter the ruling elites from pursuing their agenda privately to tax you on this proving it's NOT about changing the environment but rather it is about controlling your lives and curtailing your freedoms.

If the polls are correct which there is nearly a full month, a lifetime in the political arena, to change. Cap and Trade will likely be as dead as yesterday if conservatives tsunami their way into office, leaving many liberals the subject of the same unemployment they did little or nothing to ease. Again as liberals they want dependence on the government thus cementing votes for them so a low unemployment rate does nothing to help them stay in office.

I've got a victory cigar picked out for November second, 2010 and another one picked out for when Obama is once again rejected by the voting public and joins the USSR on the ash heap of history.

I'm looking forward to the day when conservatives really earn their media given moniker as the "Party of No" as long as it's NO to every single piece of Obama's machinations for dismantling this country. For the next two years he can go golfing seven days a week, I don't care just as long as he stays out of the affairs of fixing his damage.

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