Wednesday, October 27, 2010


First and foremost to The Walking Dead premiere on Sunday evening! This is going to be a great show! I'm sooo looking forward to a live interpretation of the comic! I loaned The Walking Dead Compendium to Skate for reading before the show starts so he could get a feel for it. He plowed through the whole thing in like three days.

It's a thousand plus pages gentle readers. Forty eight issues all in one place. I've got four more volumes for him to read that continues the story of Rick Grimes and his band of weary travelers. They encounter things far worse than zombies in the new world. Things that you wouldn't think would be worse but are even more dangerous.

The new world offers new challenges like the basics: shelter, food and water. Electricity is either gone or as good as gone. Gas can be siphoned from abandoned vehicles left on the roads. Scrounging becomes an art.

It's a bleak world where even the youngest must grow up faster than they should have to if they were to survive. It's not about living anymore either, it is about surviving, surviving one more day when everything is against you.

It'll be a great show!

The countdown is also on for Election Day, Nodember second! When all of the liberals are thrown out of Congress for good and President Obama has his political agenda effectively neutered. I know he blames the previous administration and you might as well but do keep in mind that liberals have held Congress without challenge since the midterm elections of 2006 so basically January of 2007. Congress is in control of the budget and the President can veto it or sign it. You'll remember it was a time of gridlock on the Hill.

Regardless Nodember second is a referendum on Obama and his agenda. It is being played up as less than that. That he needs more time to turn things around while I would argue that this is exactly what he wants. He wants a weak country. He wants people on unemployment and food stamps. He wants people to become dependent upon his group of politicians as they steadily grow into ruling royalty elites.

He is getting his way and the people don't like it. They'll let their voices known Tuesday:)

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