Wednesday, October 13, 2010

November Is Now Nodember!

Yes from henceforth it is to be known as Nodember. The goal is to place on the unemployment roles every Democrat politician up for reelection this year. Get everyone else back to work and get those liberals jobless!

As a tsunami of GOP, independent, and former liberal electorates take to the voting booths everyone seems to be gunning for liberal politicians who have fallen out of touch with not just the voting public but reality. Their President who once promised change has broken the budget by hundreds of billions of dollars and absorbed so much private industry you have to scratch your head about what country you woke up in.

Name one Democrat up for election who is running on the same agenda as Obama, name one. For that matter name one who is touting they voted for Obamacare and has stood shoulder to shoulder with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama to further his agenda.

I believe you'll find after a little research (it won't take much) that they are running from the SS Carter in droves. They supported Obama when it served their purposes and dare I say they actually believed in what he said. Perhaps the more gullible of the liberals believed Obama was some kind of savior while most of the reasonable people laughed at his god like Greek temple motif in Denver.

Obama descending from the heavens to deliver a country he hated from the hands of everyone from center, center/right, far right, and even the moderately left. Yep he intended to deliver America and fundamentally change it from the ground up.

First you have to rip it apart and do the demolition work. Record high unemployment. Check. Then you have to make the government step in and become the soul provider for your well being. Ninety nine weeks of unemployment and record high food stamps. Check. Next you have to use the blame everyone else card. Checked off in spades. After that its a matter of utilizing the classic Democrat playbook of class warfare. Hate those who have more than you do, they got it unfairly and don't deserve to live in that McMansion, you do! Check check check!

All in all this is a recipe for a grand ole time for me come Nodember second! Well me and the country.

I'm looking forward to the damage done to this country for the past fifty years being undone by many liberal congresses. I could only imagine what The Great Reagan could have accomplished if he had had the House and Senate on his side instead of against him.

2012 is just around the corner and this one term President has his damaged limited to two years worth. That's plenty enough. He'll be able to go back to teaching college or whatever he wants after that, don't care. Just want him out of office as soon as it's legally possible.

If I could dream an amazing dream it would be veto proof majorities for conservatives this Nodember. Want to hear the liberal elites scream bloody murder? Yeah, that's the way to do it. They'll be as scarce but as loud as a cricket at 2 AM!

Make no mistake this midterm election is purely a referendum of Obama and his liberal politics, all of his liberal cronies in Congress, and their agenda. Liberals face a historic defeat and it's been a long time coming.

I hope that conservatives will be able to seize this opportunity that will be handed them on a silver platter and not screw it up as they did last time.

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