Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Doc Continues

After a very long layoff the documentary started this past winter has kick started once again. Last night marked the public debut of three songs from the musical at the cabaret at the theatre.

I shot the rehearsal footage at Mozart's home before cabaret and then relocated to the theatre to get the actual show. It was very well received and the performance received a standing ovation.

Congratulations Jamal, Mozart, and Baker's Wife for a great show!

Rehearsal for The Date and Thing 2 went very well as it marked the first rehearsal where the cast was off book. They could call for a line but weren't allowed to use their books on stage. The Date only had to call for a line two times (Edit: The Date informs me that she had to call out for lines only twice in one scene)! Thing 2 once!

It's going to be a fine show!

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