Sunday, January 02, 2011


I've got one last day of time off left, today. I'm going to spend it making sure my uniforms are ready to go tomorrow and perhaps The Date and I will venture to Beersnob's domain and watch football.

Today though I want to talk to you about one of the most compassionate men I know, Teehee. My young friend is studying in medical school right now. He automatically has a good connection with everyone he meets, no one has anything bad to say about him. He's a good guy and has a ton of passion for helping others. One of the best reasons for him to become a doctor in fact. He'll be outstanding!

He will listen to each patient, talk to them, and put them at ease about their ailments. Teehee will be the kind of doctor that all people should strive to be. Warm, funny, as I said compassionate, and brilliant. He would himself discount the brilliant part however I know differently.

The one oddity about Teehee is that he hates school and studying medicine. I had the pleasure of having lunch with him Friday and we started talking about one of his projects. He got talkative, he expressed great interest, he had a fire rarely seen in him! Teehee loved talking about his project! He has so much passion for it and such a lack of passion for what he's doing, however his working hard now will lead to better project results later!

Teehee is my friend. Teehee is one of the most special of my friends not because of his brilliance but because of the size of his heart. This man has a heart the likes of which are immeasurable. He would get in his Rav4 and travel across this country to help you if you really needed it and he'd be happy about it!

I and my family are the fortunate ones for knowing Teehee.

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