Saturday, January 01, 2011

2010 - A Foundation Year

Yep, after marrying my beautiful bride in 2009 and getting settled and used to married life it was time to start clearing the land for a new foundation on a new life. With The Date being a full time student and building her education towards a bright new job future she passed up a job that would have been a good opportunity but ended her plans for higher learning and future growth.

It was a decision we both made however I obviously would have supported her in either decision she felt was right. The extra money would have been great but the potential for future better income and a far better life would have been over with.

For me that event really summed up what the year was about. That one event is what really made the decision of future over now. Putting off smaller gains now for better gains in a couple of more years of sacrificing. Working hard now and building for a better and more secure future. I know a new dwelling is at the top of The Date's list. I want nothing more than to give her the home she and The Things deserve, it's a goal that is closer now than it was last year.

With Beersnob back at home we have begun discussing where to take our business. That is my stake in the future, what I'm building for just as The Date is going to college. I'm working a full time job and Beersnob and I will be attempting to continue the meager growth the production company experienced last year.

Fortunately we are not in a desperation situation where this has to work or we will starve. We both have full time jobs that supply us with enough money to support our families and afford us the time to work on our company.

2010 was the foundation as I blogged about earlier, 2011 is about growth and building on that foundation. With The Date by my side and I by her's, with a solid business partner to depend upon, and with dreams of a brighter future ahead we are now leaving the station!

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