Thursday, January 27, 2011


Trash day, the day before Friday, anything much happen on Thursday?
Yeah actually, I'm going to again be super busy at work. It's been a very busy week. Lots of stuff has moved through the shop and I've done it all.

Regardless it's no big thing, it's my job and it's what puts food on the table. This morning the cats are fed, all of the girls are asleep, weird dreams vivid even danced in my sleeping head.

Tonight Thing 2 has rehearsal and The Date works until nine. Tomorrow is payday Friday and bills are scheduled to be paid. All in all it's a normal life. Everything falls into line when it is supposed to:)

Thing 1 is driving well thus far. The Date is starting to like not having to take the girls to school in the morning and then rushing around in the afternoon to pick them up from school so she can rush to work or class. Thing 1 even went to the grocery store yesterday to pick up some chicken for supper. Our errand running sixteen year old is being utilized to it's somewhat full potential right now.

Thus it's a Thursday.

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