Saturday, February 05, 2011

Crisp Saturday

Yeah, been outside. Put the dog out. It isn't bad, very sunny and clear. I'm not saying I'd smoke a cigar outside or anything.

Tomorrow is Beersnob's Super Bowl Extravaganza. Always a good time with lots of friends! I'm very much looking forward to it and the cigar lounge that Beersnob sets up in his garage.

Today I've got to get Thing 2 to set call, get some groceries (very nice not to having to buy meat) possibly meet up with Beersnob and get a handful of cigars for tomorrow, and get The Date something to eat while she's at work should she get hungry. Might shop for new pillows or at least look around and see what's out there.

The Date got paid yesterday. That's nice, it makes our paydays alternate. Every Friday will be payday now! How cool is that?!

Was thinking about sweet and sour pork today for lunch or supper. I am liking the stir fry method, it's so easy to get right. There are a lot of steps but once you get the basic steps down, marinade, fry, sauce and veggies, fry, clean, do the rice. That's almost it! Not bad at all.

I wish I had learned this skill years and years ago!

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