Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Move To The Center

Again I've theorized that there is no real center in America or likely anywhere else in the world. There is right and left, moderates are actually a very rare breed. Everyone who believes that they are liberal believe that they are mainstream and the same for conservatives.

For those of you who believe President Obama isn't a socialist I present to you this quote: "If we're fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line." This was yesterday at the National Chamber of Commerce.

Now I KNOW what his intentions are for such a quote. It's about taking care of those who do the grind for a company BUT we are a capitalist society and it's the best system invented ever. Name a better one, it's that simple. Name a better economic system than capitalism, please say socialism! I dare you! I'll point to the failures such as Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Venezuela, along with a handful of African countries ran by dictators.

Capitalist countries can fail as well but it's due to overspending, socialist entitlements, and numerous factors but the difference being the relative freedom to fail. Some of our greatest inventors have failed a thousand times more than you and I put together. I'd rather be a failure in America where the standard of living sets the world standard than fail in Cuba or North Korea. Our poor citizens likely have a very good life relative to a poor citizen in North Korea. Our standard of living surpasses the world.

President Obama is not moving his positions anywhere. He'll start having to veto bills right and left. There will be absolute gridlock and I'm thrilled at that idea, we are up to our eyeballs in laws and regulations.

It's just very reassuring that when the media starts to paint Obama as a newly minted centrist he'll throw a quote like this on them and make them think ""WTF" is he doing?!?!?! We're trying to help him here!" (And yes I used his WTF slogan for this example)

Bring on 2012.

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