Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 12

It didn't take long at all. After leaving yesterday with two shotgunners in the cab with me we ran into a traffic jam. It was predawn and we had to stop. No way around this jam.

It looked strange though, almost like it was on purpose. Two cars across the road sideways, one behind like in a brick pattern. It wasn't like there was a crash and the cars randomly spun into place.

Nathan stepped up into the sleeper and crawled through the hole in the top. He jumped down on the hood above the massive engine. Armed with a shotgun and a huge hand spotlight he swept the area from the safety. Eye shine popped up along the treeline.

They were waiting for someone to stop on the interstate. They had planned an ambush!
They could plan! George Romero's zombies never did this in the movies...

I called out to Nathan on the hood. He said he saw them. The infected started to move towards us, they had a good thirty yards to go before they made our position. Nathan said to put the rig into reverse and get ready to pull. He jumped down onto the front of the rig, Billy sat up out of the window to cover him. The infected continued to gain speed on our position, from a slow walk to a jog. Twenty yards away.

Nathan had the hook for the wench and was looping it around the bumper of the lead car. The infected went from a jog to a run, ten yards before they got to us and Billy started to unload on the closest of the would be attackers. Shot after shot took the infected down fast.

Nathan finished and sprinted back to the hood of the truck while I let off the clutch and easily pulled the car out of the way clearing the way for us. I slacked off the tension on the line while Nathan jumped back down and freed the hook from the line. Billy, still firing away kept the situation under control. The radio came to life with A.J. in the cup holder in the dash. I told A.J. to sit tight, we were clearing an ambush and I'd explain in a minute.

No more than ten infected were left standing and Nathan had gained the high ground on the trucks hood again and Billy tossed him the additional shotgun. I jammed first gear and hit the pedal to gain access through the would be ambush.

Nathan and Billy finished off the would be ambushers, either killing or I don't know what. Wounding them? Would they die from a shotgun blast in the chest? Guess we'll find out eventually what will kill them and what won't.

Nathan made it back into the cab via the improvised portal at the top of the sleeper and into the safety of the cab as the sun broke over the horizon. I radioed back to A.J. and told him about the infected and the ambush. This is worrisome.

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