Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3: 11:25 PM

Long day. Had to listen to my iPod all evening as the radio was filled with news about the New York bombing, even the rock channels. Worked in the body shop all evening until everyone else went home so I had to go too.

It's been ten hours or so and I expect the news will grow out of hand with more sensationalistic stories coming from New York. Yep, just wait until tomorrow when the first press conferences are done and some solid facts are released.

Anyway the ice is still going strong out, I'm moving around like a champ in my chained up car! Bring the bad weather! I'm fine! Edna will wind up getting fed tomorrow without interruption.

I'm back, the lights are out, found my flashlight in the dark! Electricity is down, ice must have been too much for the grid in the area. It'll probably be back up by the time I wake up in the morning, we've got a pretty solid infrastructure out there.

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