Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Monday evening I purchased my own Kindle. I loved using The Date's so much that I started using the iPhone Kindle app at work a while back. That's great for at work but at home I'd rather have a better way to read while laying down, lounging, etc.

I tried out the Kindle PC program and that just isn't relaxing reading at all. So I went and got a Kindle for myself. Didn't turn the TV on once last night. I don't plan on watching much TV until the shows I do like are DVR'd up for a few episodes.

I purchased for the price of $41.28 more reading material than I could read in five years.
The collected works of Jules Verne - $2.99
The works of H. G. Wells - $2.99
The Zombie-Wilson Diaries - $2.99
Into Africa: The Epic Adventures of Stanley & Livingstone - $8.77
The works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - $4.69
The works of Charles Dickens - $2.39
The works of H. P. Lovecraft - $2.39
The works Victor Hugo - $4.69
The works of Alexandre Dumas - $4.69
The works of Robert Louis Stevenson - $4.69

Clearly there isn't enough zombie fiction on my Kindle yet and I will change that once I read up a lot of these classics. Reading Into Africa right now and close to half done in two evenings.

I don't think I've read a fictional story as exciting as this real life story. This was truly epic. I'll review it once I'm finished and give it the attention it deserves.

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