Thursday, February 10, 2011

Twas A Snowday

Yep, I warmed up the Tahoe and prepared to go to work just as normal each morning. The thirteen inch drifts in the road didn't deter me from trying. There was no ice under the snow and it was a dry, powdery now, not the slushy wet kind.

It took me a couple of minutes to get backed out of the driveway. Trying to get the Tahoe straight in the road was nearly impossible. The amount of snow was too great for the Tahoe to push down the road.

Defeated I called in to work took the day off like everyone else did. I wanted to save my leave up but alas it wasn't meant to be. My neighbor's friend did break up the snow packed road with his truck and later in the morning I was able to get into his tracks and take The Date to work. I made a run to the grocery store as well and got some snacks.

Today the roads are mostly busted open pretty good. It'll likely be a bit slicker due to freezing overnight but I'm good with that. I have no doubt if the Tahoe had been a four wheel drive vehicle then it would have made it with little to no problems.

It was a nice but unexpected day off. I fully anticipated going to work like normal. Since I wasn't able to I stayed home and napped. That was nice:)

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