Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 6

I did nothing but keep bundled up yesterday and split my food into rations to last as long as possible. Occasionally I'd go out to my car, start it and warm up with the heater. It's cold in my apartment. I put a blanket on the cases of water to make sure they don't freeze, I don't think it's freezing but I'd really be sunk if it froze up.

The news coming out of NYC is bad. This flu is bad stuff. Most of the police are either sick or worse, the National Guard is the same way. The quarantine will break if everyone holding the quarantine line gets sick. Then what?

Other reports, mainly third hand reports or hearsay reports talk about the flu making some people very angry and aggressive. I've never heard of any flu that would do anything but put you in bed for a few days and make you wish you had died. We are quite a ways from NYC but we aren't California either. If the quarantine breaks we would be close enough to be effected.

I might need to stock up on some other kind of supplies, weapons and ammunition. I wonder if A.J. would sell me one of his hand guns. The man has an arsenal. Hunting and fishing is what he does with most of his time now. He comes into the shop maybe twice a week now. That's why it is so cool he would take the time to teach me how to pin stripe.

I should drive over and talk to him. I'll do that soon if NYC gets worse.

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