Monday, September 26, 2011

Airplane Revisited

Classics are classics for a reason. Not only do they stand the test of time but sometimes they can surpass your expectations when you revisit them again.

Airplane is one of those movies. It's a movie I saw in the theaters when I was a kid. I walked to the Esquire Theater when this disaster movie spoof came out. Actually this was the grandaddy of all spoofs when it hit the screens.

What followed since Airplane has been the Police Squad movies, Scary Movie movies, and many many more I don't want to list. I remember laughing very hard as a kid and I laughed a lot last night when I played this on Netflix streaming. Yeah I was way too young for most of the jokes but that's ok too.

It's just that good! I'm glad I revisited this old classic last night. What a spectacular time capsule movie! Give it a watch again sometime and you might agree!

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