Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quiet Night Off

The Date and Mom took Thing 2 to have a root canal done in a nearby town. I got home and made some enchiladas for supper. They were nearly finished when the family arrived back home safely. Thing 2 curled up in our bed and slept the evening away while I watched Columbo and The Date talked to Crime Reporter on the phone:)

All in all it was a typical American evening at home. I will figure out something different for this evening as I've nearly exhausted the amount of Columbo episodes on Netflix. After this evening I'll have five days in a row to work and I'll get next Monday and Tuesday evening off as well!

I hope my readers will figure out in my own small way that I'm being very public about my second job experiences in order to at least inspire those of you on the fence about getting your debt paid off and following the Dave Ramsey plan or at least a portion of it. If it motivates you then I hope you follow through with a plan of your own making if nothing else.

It's not a sugar coated account of getting a second job either, I've been very upfront with the bad as well as the good. As Dave Ramsey says, "You have to live like no one else" (meaning you have to buckle down and take the first step in the process. The Date and I put all of our bills in front of us and we decided together that we were going to do this. She doesn't want me working two jobs anymore than I want to work two jobs but that's the way out of this right now and the way into a better house in a better neighborhood.) "so later you can live like no one else!"

The rest of the sentence is the icing on a tough cake to bake. It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and it's really there! It's of your own making, your own labor will produce that pot of gold. If there is two of you in a household get on the same page first of all about committing to this. Second figure up your bills from smallest to largest, and put the calculator, pen, and paper to use and see how long it would take to snowball your way to that pot of gold.

Then figure out your income and how you can add to it to make the snowball really rock down that hill of debt! If we can do this then I know you can and if you have two full time incomes then you can do this much faster than we can! I know you can! This Friday we'll pay off at least one more bill bringing the total to six I believe! In three weeks we've knocked out six bills, six bills that will never bother us again!

What can you do?

Eye on the prize!

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