Monday, September 19, 2011

Johnny Cash The Killer

Changing up the tempo of the blog today to talk about a TV episode I saw the other night on Netflix streaming. I do enjoy Columbo quite a bit. You see who the killer is at the start of the episode, you see their ingenious plot to pull off the perfect murder, and then you see the seemingly bumbling yet disarmingly brilliant Lt. Columbo solve the case with lots of brilliant questioning.

Lots of times at the end you see the killer catch themselves in a trap that Lt. Columbo has laid for them. They usually go quietly and are relieved that they have been captured by such a mild mannered man.

The show ran as part of the NBC Mystery Movie weekly show in the seventies. You'll likely recall the whistling theme if not then it's on You Tube and it'd bring back memories:) Columbo shared the spot with McCloud and McMillan and Wife and after a while ran an hour and a half long. Unusual for a weekly show to run ninety minutes and unheard of today.

One of the few episodes I watched the other evening was with guest star Johnny Cash as he played a gospel singer who was parolled from an Arkansas prison and was being blackmailed and used by his wife to earn her lots of money for a tabernacle. He constructed an elaborate plot to get rid of her and the blackmail material and then Lt. Columbo was on the case and yes he caught him, yes Cash confessed and was relieved at the end, and yes it was a very good episode.

I do wish that Netflix would add the rest of the show to the streaming side as right now there are only forty odd episodes available. To contrast that the entire Rockford Files and Hawaii 5-0 is available as well as Magnum P.I.

When I have the spare time recently (which isn't a lot) I've been unwinding with a seventies or eighties mystery show. They are really quite the time capsule stored in my forgotten memory and make for a great diversion! I just wish Netflix would up their streaming library a bit more so I can get more Columbo without getting the DVD sent to us via snailmail.

The job went well enough yesterday, I was left with about six hundred pounds of rotten fruits and vegetables to be dumped though and it took me about forty five minutes to accomplish that. Not bad overall but I wound up with mushed up rotten peaches on my shirt which I did my best to clean off when I finished. The thought occurred to me then, this will be worth it though.

That's quite the attitude to have when you can really believe in your heart that what you are going through right now will be worth it in less than two years. No I don't believe the job will last two years at all, far from it actually but it'll last long enough to get a lot of this cleared up via Dave Ramsey's program!

Eye on the prize!

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