Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Day

I was at work when it happened. We had heard that a plane had hit the WTC and it sounded like an accident. We pulled up the news website and saw the first pictures. It was bad.

Then we heard heard about the other three planes that were hijacked. Then the whole world changed forever as we came to the realization that we were under attack. We had been punched a few other times and didn't do much to retaliate such as the WTC bombing, the African embassy bombings, even the USS Cole. Now they really wanted our attention and got the world's attention in the process.

We went to one of the shops that had a TV, the second plane had hit the WTC and then it fell. It came crashing down to the ground and everyone was speechless at this horror, this real life horror and nothing was funny anymore. We lost our collective voices and the nation's tears flowed.

The Palestinians danced in the streets in celebration at this tragedy and we stood silent. The world learned the name Osama Bin Laden and then the world changed again as we became the hunters.

After a manhunt that lasted the better part of a decade we found him and we killed him. We destroyed the greatest part of the Al Qaeda network and neutralized a large part of the Taliban.

Today we are still fighting and we are still learning and we are still vigilant. We have not forgotten.

God help us and God bless us.

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