Thursday, September 01, 2011

Six Days

Tonight starts a six day stretch working a second job without a day off. The good thing is that I get off at six o'clock on Saturday and Sunday and I'm off from my normal job on Monday for Labor Day!

I'll basically have three half days to work during the six days. As long as I keep my hours up it'll be fast and go well, just a long stretch until my next payday and then we won't be living so close the wire anymore, that's why I'm doing this! Nine days to my main payday and then I get paid every single week I keep the second job after that! That is so refreshing to me and us, it's going to be great to get this rather small monkey off of our back! I'm glad it's not a gorilla, it's more like a tiny squirrel monkey. (I think that's a real breed and it sounds much smaller than a gorilla, can't find a picture though. Just proof I'm keeping my sense of humor through this experience.)

Despite my dread of working two jobs that's more than a relief to me and makes this very worth it.This schedule will help me over the next six days too, I won't be as worn out as I would have been if it had been six full days. I even get next Friday night off out of this schedule!A friend/coworker at my first job was laid off about ten years ago, maybe a bit longer. He literally worked three jobs to make ends meet before he got called back. I'm glad we are in much much better shape than that and I'm not forced to do that. I would if it came down to it and there was no alternative but we aren't in that situation and I don't:)

Yesterday Thing 1 had her four wisdom teeth removed. She's pretty sore and swollen but is doing ok. She can't talk and can barely eat or drink but it'll get better day by day. She'll hurt a little less tomorrow and a little less the day after that. In two weeks she'll be as good as new again!

Eye on the prize!

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